IBC2018 review: The ubiquity of the cloud

IBC2018 LiveU stand

Cloud-based platforms haven’t lost their steam, artificial intelligence continues to smarten workflows and manufacturers making mighty machines in smaller sizes were recurring themes in Halls 2 and 3 this year, writes IBC Daily reporter Erica Basnicki.

As in previous years, the variety of hardware and software products in Halls 2 and 3 was remarkably eclectic. A first-timer to the show would be forgiven for not necessarily understanding what common threads wove the exhibitors together, but would also quickly pick up on an industry very much at a transition point.

It is almost redundant to speak of the ongoing march towards cloud-based broadcasting, as it was apparent everywhere: Kaltura’s TV Platform; cloud-based targeted TV. Swiss TXT; cloud-based subtitling. Amagi; cloud-based dynamic ad insertion.

The themes are in the subtleties. To begin with, integrating public cloud services such as…

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