
IBC’s Sustainability strategy and targets outline the commitment to reducing our Carbon footprint, Carbon Neutrality status and working towards Carbon Net Zero. By focusing on annual audits and accreditation, we will ensure accurate measurement, tracking and management of our carbon footprint. Additionally, our dedication to reducing and offsetting emissions demonstrates a comprehensive approach that considers both immediate and long-term environmental impacts.

The emphasis on collecting accurate data, education and influencing our stakeholders and collaborating with major groups highlights our commitment to creating a culture of sustainability beyond our immediate operations. This approach, alongside our peers will drive change not only within our organisation but also across our network and community. By setting ambitious goals and pursuing a multi-faceted strategy, we are on a path to achieving Carbon Neutrality and working towards Carbon Net Zero status.

In the Workplace

Our primary goal is to attain a Carbon Neutral status by proactively minimising our carbon emissions and employing a 150% offsetting strategy where reduction isn't immediately feasible. We are aiming to be carbon neutral as a company by 2024 and carbon net zero by 2050.

We are committed to:

  • Conduct a comprehensive annual audit by November of each year to precisely quantify IBC’s carbon footprint for that year
  • Identify areas for improvement within IBC’s operations, formulate and implement strategies to reduce IBC’s company carbon footprint and yearly offsetting
  • Obtain ISO4001 accreditation by October 2024

The Products We Deliver

Our core activity is the staging of the annual IBC Show, and this where we can have the biggest impact and drive towards positive change. We are committed to achieving a carbon neutral status.

Our commitments include:

  • An annual audit aimed at identifying potential areas for improvement, data gaps, and the overall carbon impact of our events by 2025
  • A comprehensive understanding of the complete scope of carbon footprint generated by all stakeholders and attendees
  • Development of a strategic plan to influence and support all stakeholders in adopting practices that minimise companies and individuals carbon footprints
  • To work alongside peers to reach Carbon Net Zero status by 2050 as part of the Carbon Net Zero Event initiative.

Supporting activities:

  • Creation of internal Working Group to drive activities throughout IBC
  • Collaborate with peers across the industry through initiatives and working groups
  • Develop partnerships with industry organisations supporting D&I and sustainability
  • Measure the impact of IBC activities through metrics and sentiment